Sweet Potato Pita Bread (Yeast Free)

1 cup 00 or all-purpose flour, extra flour for dusting
Pinch of sea salt
½ - 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 cup sweet potato, cooked
1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
Flour for dusting  

Boil a large sweet potato with the skin on until tender and soft. Test with a fork or skewer.

Place the flour, salt, and cardamom in a bowl.

Remove potato from pan and allow to cool slightly. Peel while still hot: mash quickly with a fork. Add 1 cup of mashed potato into the bowl with flour while still warm. Add the olive oil; mix quickly with a fork. When a dough has formed, remove from bowl and transfer to a floured surface. Knead to combine. Do not overwork the dough.

Roll the dough into a log, then cut into 6-8 portions. Dust your hands with flour and press each piece of dough to flatten as round as possible. Flour and place all portions aside and cover for 10-15 minutes.

Using a floured rolling pin, roll out each dough rotating to keep its round shape. Do not put too much flour on the dough or the result will be tough bread. Roll to about 1/16 of an inch thickness.

Heat a crepe pan or large skillet on medium heat. When hot, place the bread on it. Cook 20-30 seconds on one side, then flip at 30 second intervals until the bread starts to bubble. When it starts to bubble, allow to cook about 45 seconds, then flip again. The bubbles mean that it is cooking from the inside as well. The entire process of flipping and cooking should take about 2 minutes.

When ready, transfer the cooked bread to a kitchen towel in a basket to keep warm. Continue cooking the other portions repeating the same process. Brush off any pieces of leftover flour or bread before cooking the other portions and check the heat, if too hot lower slightly.

This recipe can be made with any spice you such as ground ginger, cumin, coriander and even fennel seeds. If you come up with other options, please send me a comment, I would love to learn what other options are available.

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